August 23, 2024, Delta, BC — John Rustad, Leader of the Conservative Party of British Columbia, issued a scathing critique of Premier David Eby and the BC NDP for their ongoing negligence regarding port security. Organized crime continues to thrive at critical entry points like Deltaport.

“Eby’s incompetent BC NDP has turned a blind eye to the booming drug trade at BC ports, allowing dangerous criminals to operate with impunity,” Rustad stated. “On every level — Eby’s radical, dysfunctional NDP continues to fail British Columbians who want drug-free families and communities.”

Rustad commended the Mayor of Delta for his resolution at the upcoming Union of BC Municipalities convention, as a necessary move to increase policing resources at BC ports. The Mayor’s resolution advocates for a shipping container levy to fund port police, and calls on the provincial and federal governments to address this critical issue.

“We know there is a drug problem at our BC ports; it’s time to get this done. Whether it’s a dedicated police force, more RCMP resources, or additional resources for Delta Police — there needs to be a mobilization of law enforcement to get drugs out of Delta Port and BC’s other ports,” says Rustad.

“David Eby is preoccupied with spending taxpayers’ hard-earned money on NDP-funded drug dens — it’s clear that getting drugs off the street isn’t his priority,” Rustad continued. “Eby’s lack of action has left BC’s families and communities vulnerable to dangerous drugs. Conservatives will work to secure our ports — and we’re going to send Ottawa a bill because this is a shared responsibility,” stated Rustad.

Rustad promised immediate action from his Conservative government in his first year as Premier. “Eby’s radical, dysfunctional BC NDP has failed on public safety in every possible, measurable way — they need to be fired.”

“Clearly, the Liberal-NDP coalition in Ottawa and Victoria will never take port security, or any other drug issue, seriously — it’s time for common sense Conservatives to kick them out and get the job done, so BC and Canada can be safe, and more families and communities can be drug-free again,” concluded Rustad.


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