Eby’s NDP refuses to make common sense investments in vital infrastructure – even as population growth surges.

After 7 years of the NDP, aging infrastructure and inadequate public transit are drag on daily life and our economy. While demand for all types of infrastructure continues to grow, the NDP has failed to fix the bottlenecks that exist today — let alone build what's needed in the future.

The less time is spent simply getting around, the more time British Columbians can spend with family and doing things that matter. The Conservative Party of BC will revitalize our transportation system with long-term investments to improve safety, reduce congestion, and get BC moving.

And we’ll do it without resorting to road pricing or tolls, unlike David Eby’s plan for road tolls that he continues to keep BC in the dark about.


Bridges, not bottlenecks

BC’s transportation network has declined due to poor planning, underfunding, and infrastructure mismanagement. The reason is simple: the NDP just doesn’t like to build things. One of their first acts in office was to cancel the replacement for the George Massey Tunnel – which was already under construction. 

Commuters and businesses south of the Fraser now will have to wait 8 more years, and pay over $500 million more, for a new crossing that’s been needed for decades. Conservatives will never leave people hanging like the NDP routinely does, because unlike them, we believe in building. 

To make common sense upgrades to our infrastructure, the Conservative Party of BC will:

  • Commit to a new bridge across Okanagan Lake by working with the cities of Kelowna and West Kelowna to identify a preferred route, then adding the project into the provincial capital plan for completion no later than 2032.
  • Replace the aging Taylor Bridge across the Peace River.
  • Rebuild the Red Bridge in Kamloops. After the tragedy of Lytton, the NDP just can’t be trusted to deliver even when disaster strikes. We will get the job done.
  • Upgrade Highway 19 in Nanaimo with grade separation at the most dangerous and congested intersections.
  • Expand Hwy 1 to six lanes to Chilliwack. Highway 1 is the most critical transportation link in BC. It’s time to act like our entire economy depends on it, because it does.
  • Identify and rebuild outdated Hwy 1 exits and interchanges that are past their useful life, are unsafe, and responsible for bottlenecks, such as Brunette Ave. in Coquitlam.
  • Expand the new Patullo Bridge to six lanes as soon as possible. The design allows for expansion, but the NDP refuses to do the right thing. 
  • Commit to a new Ironworkers Memorial Bridge with expanded capacity for both cars and public transit services. Additionally, we will immediately reverse plans to remove the Main St. eastbound dedicated to local traffic.
  • Replace the George Massey Tunnel as soon as possible. The NDP’s mismanagement has delayed this critical project by 8 years. We will commit to the course of action that results in a new high-capacity opening at the earliest possible date.
  • Invest in additional and local infrastructure upgrades throughout BC once needs are fully assessed by a new government committed to building, not bottlenecking.
  • Never implement the NDP road toll scheme, and never implement bridge tolls. Eby is working on a plan to tax drivers for each meter they move. We will never let it see the light of day.


Taking transit seriously

Under the NDP, transit just hasn’t kept up with demand. Service gaps that have been a problem for years remain unaddressed, commuters are left stranded at bus stops, trains are jam-packed, and safety concerns have skyrocketed thanks to Eby’s catch-and-release policies.

A growing population needs a growing transit network. Metro Vancouver’s Mayors and TransLink have done excellent work to identify projects that would get people moving, but their work has fallen on deaf ears in Victoria by the NDP.

When transit service is reliable, fast, and safe, more people can afford to switch out of cars – benefitting everyone who needs to get around. To build the public transit BC needs, the Conservative Party of BC will:

  • Extend SkyTrain to Newton in Surrey.  North-south SkyTrain along the King George corridor is just common sense, and we will get it done.
  • Fund key projects in the Transport 2050 plan, working with municipal leaders and TransLink to identify the highest-priority projects which may include expansions of SkyTrain, Bus Rapid Transit, Rapid Bus, and express and local bus services.
  • Develop a business case to analyze Fraser Valley regional rail between Chilliwack, Abbotsford, the Langley SkyTrain, and Surrey.
  • Expand regional transit service in the Sea-to-Sky corridor and consider extending TransLink services to Squamish.
  • Work with TransLink and the City of Surrey to address the longstanding issues and service deficits being ignored by the NDP.
  • Implement a zero-tolerance policy for drug use, threats, and violence on public transit. Offences against both riders and operators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and we will work with TransLink and the Transit Police to make sure they have all tools needed to keep the system safe.
  • Invest in BC Transit services across the province, focusing on high-growth areas where services just haven’t kept up.
  • Expand HandyDART services to areas of greatest need, and strictly enforce quality standards for contractors providing the service.


Reliable funding for reliable transit

TransLink is struggling with an outdated funding model that leaves it lurching from crisis to crisis every few years, preventing badly-needed investments to improve service. With nearly 1/3rd of Metro Vancouver residents counting on transit each week, it’s time to get transit on sound financial footing for the long-term.

While the NDP leaves commuters wondering if the service they need will still exist, the Conservative Party of BC will:

  • Fully fund TransLink for two years to maintain uninterrupted, reliable service. Commuters shouldn’t need to worry about whether they can get to work or school. We will ensure full funding for transit as the financial model is audited.
  • Audit and reform TransLink's financial model to ensure the long-term availability of funding that not just maintains service, but fuels expansion for the future.


Fair and competitive auto insurance

ICBC is an outdated bureaucracy that charges monopoly pricing while providing poor service. In a desperate move that doesn’t address the root cause of ICBC failure, David Eby stripped the rights of accident victims to fight for the support they need to rebuild their lives.

Eby wants you to think that British Columbians have to choose between reasonable rates and fair treatment for accident victims. He’s wrong. To finally deliver an insurance market that works for people, the Conservative Party of BC will:

  • Ensure rate fairness for younger and older drivers, who are sometimes priced-out of the market on the basis of age. We will make sure rates are fair for everyone.
  • End the ICBC monopoly on basic auto insurance. Drivers should be able to choose the insurance plan that works best for them, and the sector desperately needs competition to lower prices and improve service.
  • Make sure individuals with life-altering injuries receive proper representation to fight for what they need to get their lives back on track.


As British Columbians move throughout the day, they should be counting the infrastructure upgrades getting built – not counting the bottlenecks that add so much friction and costs. Building infrastructure is a core function of government, and Conservatives will do what it takes to get BC moving again, in every part of the province.