Building Another Bridge in Kelowna

“For too long, the Okanagan Valley has needed a second crossing, David Eby’s NDP has left this vital infrastructure out of their plans. It’s time to get Kelowna a second bridge.” - John Rustad, Leader of the Conservative Party of British Columbia

October 4, 2024, Kelowna BC:  John Rustad, leader of the Conservative Party of British Columbia, today issued a strong call for immediate action on transportation infrastructure in Kelowna and West Kelowna, stressing the urgent need for a second crossing over Okanagan Lake to alleviate the region’s worsening traffic congestion.

“For too long, the Okanagan Valley has needed a second crossing,” said Rustad. “David Eby’s NDP government has neglected this critical infrastructure, despite a clear and growing need. It’s time for decisive action to build a second bridge and relieve the pressure on Kelowna’s overburdened roads.”


Investing in BC: Connecting the Okanagan Valley

Kelowna and West Kelowna have experienced an unprecedented surge in population, with a 14 percent increase since the 2021 census. This rapid growth has exacerbated already serious traffic problems, as the W.R. Bennett Bridge, the primary crossing over Okanagan Lake, is now stretched to its limits.

Rustad pointed to a 2017 report commissioned by the BC government, which projected that the current bridge would reach full capacity by 2040. The report also recommended a location north of the current bridge as the most suitable site for a new crossing.

“In typical NDP fashion, they’ve let this crucial issue languish,” Rustad stated. “Despite having a clear report in their hands for over seven years, they’ve chosen inaction. Meanwhile, residents of Kelowna and West Kelowna are left to deal with daily traffic bottlenecks and delays.”

Rustad affirmed that a Conservative government would not hesitate to move forward on this critical infrastructure. “The people of the Okanagan deserve better. 


Delivering for Communities

A BC Conservative government will work hand in hand with the municipalities of Kelowna and West Kelowna to confirm the most appropriate site for a new Okanagan Lake crossing. We will ensure that this project is prioritized in the provincial capital plan and aim for completion as early as the end of the decade.”

Rustad highlighted that this is not just a local issue but a province-wide concern. “Kelowna is one of BC’s fastest-growing cities, and its success is crucial to the prosperity of the entire province. Our party is committed to ensuring that BC’s transportation infrastructure meets the needs of our growing communities, and we will act where the NDP has failed.”

As the population of Kelowna continues to grow, the Conservative Party of British Columbia is making it clear that under John Rustad’s leadership, essential infrastructure projects like a second Okanagan Lake crossing will no longer be sidelined. “The time for action is now,” said Rustad. “A Conservative government will deliver the transportation solutions Kelowna needs.”

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